Issue 98 | December 2024
Welcome to the winter edition of Wandle news
It has been a busy time at Wandle, and we know that our service is not where it should be.
I joined Wandle in September with a clear focus to improve our services and your overall experience, and you can read more about the changes you will begin to see on page 2.
These colder months usually mark cold and flu season, but there are steps you can take to look after your health on page 4.
On page 3, we highlight the estate improvements we have made and the importance of tenant satisfaction measures.
Pension credit is a benefit that helps you with your living costs, and you can read what to do if you’re eligible on page 6. It's been a busy few months for the new homes team and this is reflected on page 8 where we cover the recent event at our new flagship development in Summerstown.
Your safety is our main priority, therefore on page 10 you can read what we are doing to keep you safe in your home.
Christmas is fast approaching, therefore on page 5 we have included some fun festive activites you can do at home for all the family to enjoy and on the backpage we have included a Christmas wordsearch!
I wish you all a happy holiday season and please check our Christmas opening hours when contacting us over the holiday period.

Francis Burrows
Executive Director - Customer and Operational Services
Green fingers winners
Best Community Garden

Best Outdoor Garden

Best Back Garden