Tenant satisfaction measures – acting and listening
All social housing associations are regulated by the Regulator for Social Housing, who set 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures that all providers must survey and publish every year.
In our Residents Annual Report 2023/24 we shared our performace for these Tenant Satisfaction Measures. Our key focus for 2024/25 is to ensure we listen and act on what you tell us to deliver a good service and improve our satisfaction levels.
Last month our Fire Risk Assessor discovered one of our residents had been storing their electric bike within the ground floor communal area that was blocking the fire exit.
They visited the resident to investigate further, and the resident explained she had slipped a disc in her back and had incurred additional health problems, which meant she was no longer able to carry her bike up to her flat as her block did not have a lift.
The resident advised she did not feel comfortable locking her bike to the railings outside due to the increased bike theft within the area and her bike was her only mode of transport to and from work.
We worked alongside the residents living in the block, and we suggested a bike store for the communal area. The residents were happy with this decision and decided which bike store they preferred.
The bike store was installed within the communal area on the ground floor and clear of any fire exits, ensuring it was easily accessible for our residents. This provides an example of where we can help make a positive contribution to an area by working together to provide solutions.

New communal area bike store for residents

Do you have some feedback we should consider? Let us know.
We love hearing your thoughts and suggestions to help us improve our spaces and communal areas. If you would like to share your ideas, please get in contact by emailing us at customerservices@wandle.com or on 0300 2000 120.
Or why not join our Customer Excellence Panel by emailing us at customerempowerment@wandle.com
Acting and Listening
This chart shows our tenancy satisfaction measure for Acting and Listening, month by month since November 2023.
Our average for this year (since April) so far is: 42%
We know we need to do better, which is why we are using this year’s data and learnings to increase our satisfaction level next year.